Environmental Site Assessment Phase II
Environmental site assessment Phase II (ESA Phase II) generally complements Phase I.
It involves a series of soil and water samples, which, supported by laboratory tests, will confirm or rule out any suspicion of contamination.
Phase II (Sampling):
- Sampling in soil and water with different recovery techniques
- Detection and measurement of vapors / gases and explosiveness
- Visual classification of soils and stratigraphy
- Laboratory analysis
- Detection and quantification of contaminants in samples
- Analysis of data obtained and comparison with current environmental legislation
- Report preparation
Some of the benefits of investing in an ESA Phase II are:
- Defining and supporting strategy for a possible environmental evaluation Phase III (Site characterization)
- Determining of the type and origin of contamination
- Maintaining the real value of a property
- Facilitating decision making in real estate operations management
- Corroborating compliance with environmental legislation and civil liability law, ruling out the presence of environmental liabilities
- Minimizing the risk of unexpected remediation expenses
- Documenting evidence for credit management, sureties and insurances
- Providing information for analysis of environmental, legal and urban feasibility of a project
- Synergy with national and international laboratories
- Limiting legal liability for contamination