Topographic surveys, area is responsible for the precise measurement and graphic and / or numerical representation of any artificial or natural form of a given land surface.
Our team of surveying engineers offer the following services:
- Topographic surveys (planimetry and altimetry)
- Property demarcation
- Georeferencing
- ALTA plans (American Land Title Association)
- BOMA plans (Building Owners and Managers Association)
- Geometric projects
- Supervision and control of construction
- Quantification of volumes and mass diagram
Some of the benefits of investing in Lainco's topographic services are:
- Accuracy and reliability of your project
- Value engineering to your project
- Certainty in your investment
- Optimization of work execution costs
- Documentary evidence for credit and insurance management
- Facilitates purchase-sale operations
- Avoid legal problems
- Fluidity and progress of work
- Security in decision making